


If you really listen, you acknowledge (to yourself) that you cannot know everything. That there are things that others know better than you do. Listening therefore means automatically recognising and utilising opportunities before others. Recognising risks before they become a danger. Looking at it this way, the ability to listen is absolutely vital. Before the invention of radar, people used enormous ear trumpets with which to monitor air traffic by listening carefully.

Hager Group Annual Report 2015: ListeningListening?Listening.Understanding.Doing.Getting a conversation startedDawn of a sunrise industryExpanding the horizonThe world modelThinking aheadGetting onUnderstanding customersWe have to convince usersCreating networksAre we connected?Thinking ahead togetherSparring PartnersOvercoming boundariesHow to overcome ‘kuuki yomenai’Stay curious!Listening is…E3Worldwide contacsInnovative across the boardImprintHager Group Annual Report ArchiveHager Group Annual Report 2018/19Hager Group Annual Report 2017/18Hager Group Annual Report 2016Hager Group Annual Report 2015